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Active Trade Plan List

At the top of the area where all active Trade Plans are shown, there is a toolbar with several important controls. These controls affect all active Trade Plans and should be used with care.


The radio group on the left is used to sort the active Trade Plans.

Sorted alphabetically by ticker symbol
Active positions will appear before Trade Plans with no position
Sorted by the Template used to create the Trade Plan
Creation Time​
Sorted by the time when the Trade Plan was created

The buttons on the right can be used to affect all Trade Plans at once. This is powerful and convenient, but it must be used with care.

All flat Trade Plans will be paused, meaning they will not enter 
any new trades. All existing Trade Plans with a position will
continue to function normally, including all exit tactics.
Unpauses all Trade Plans, so they will all once again enter on a 
triggered setup.
All flat Trade Plans will be cancelled and be removed from the 
list of active Trade Plans. Any Trade Plans with an active
position will continue to function normally.
All positions will be closed immediately.
Purely visual, simply collapes all Trade Plans to the small 
rectangular view. This has no impact on trading, but it can
greatly save on CPU and network utilization when there are many
active Trade Plans.
Purely visual, simply expands all Trade Plans to the full view
including the chart. This has no impact on trading, but it can
put a great deal of load on CPU and network in your browser when
there are many active Trade Plans.
Use caution with Expand All

You can make your browser nearly unresponsive, if you have a large number of active Trade Plans. Your server should continue to function, but your ability to affect manual control from your browser may be greatly impacted by expanding everything at once.